Tuesday, July 30, 2013

V is for Visa!

So I woke up to an awesome email. It was the verdict on my Visa, and it has been granted. I knew it would be but I have to admit, I was afraid my 12 year old pre-teen run ins with the police would try to bite me in the ass--but nope!! I just re-read the email and the words telling me that my visa had been granted!

After that I just kind of sat there on Tanishas couch, and it sort of hit me, it sort of sank in that I am leaving Seattle soon. I have never left Seattle for more than a month and a half...that was the first and last time I ever tried to move out of Seattle. I had moved down to Los Angeles after one year of living in Washington, at the age of 17, to be with my sister; but I just couldn't stand it there. I'm sure as an adult now, I could probably find a way to love it (and hack it), but living on Hollywood Boulevard, next to the China Mans Theatre, with a new movie premiere every week, was exhausting. Not to mention carrying gallons of water home (when we didn't want to boil our water, then cool it down before we could drink it), stealing spoons, forks, napkins and pico de gallo from the taco joint down the way was not all that inspiring. But when I do think of my life there, I did want to make it, I wanted to be with my sister but I hated where she lived.  And there were some aspects of the life in L.A. that I did enjoy, but the PNW kept calling me home. I had a much greater purpose and boy, what a home I have made here in Seattle. At that time I hadn't ever lived in the city of Seattle...but shortly after my return back to Washington, I moved to a town I will always call home, the first town I lived in, in Seattle and as an independent adult, the wonderful, whimsical West Seattle <3.

I don't know how long I will be away, but I know it will be for more than a month and a half...and after 8 years of Seattle, I will be moving away (temporarily <for the time being>), to another country. The last time I did this was 12 years ago, The Year of the Snake. I was about to turn 13 >> becoming a teenager. This time, it is again The Year of the Snake, and I am about to turn 25 >> becoming an adult. I can't wait to see where the next Year of the Snake takes me!! Maybe it will do a flip and find me settled and rooted.

My wander-lustful gypsy heart just smiles at the thought...


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